Create a Pitch Investors Can’t Ignore

Create a Pitch Investors Can’t Ignore

Simon Jenner - Million Labs

Simon Jenner

Monday 28 September 2020

Create a Pitch Investors Can’t Ignore

Pitching your Great Idea to investors can be intimidating. We’ve compiled our best 7 tips to help you deliver confidently.

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We’ve all seen those entrepreneur programmes, Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank. We can’t help but be motivated when we see someone who actually has a truly brilliant idea - or feel secondhand embarrassment for those who get torn apart.
In real life, when we are the entrepreneurs pitching our idea to investors, we want to be seen as the former. Pitching your Great Idea can be daunting. Sure, your parents and your friends say it’s the best idea they’ve ever heard, but that assurance isn’t quite enough to guarantee success.
Here are our 7 best tips for creating and delivering a pitch your potential investors can’t ignore:

1. Keep it succinct. Even if you have a 30-minute time slot with the investors, aim for a maximum of 10 minutes for your actual pitch. This leaves time for plenty of questions, conversation about your product, and ensures that no one’s time is wasted. Further, the investors will consider your promptness and awareness of time as respect for their funding. 
2. Tell your story. Audiences respond best when they have a story to follow along with. When the investors go to deliberate, they’re much more likely to remember your unique story than “that entrepreneur who babbled on about data analytics and metrics.” When you sit down to create your pitch, focus on your narrative - it’ll make your pitch more memorable, captivating, and personalised. 
3. Give them the opportunity to experience your product. At this step in the game, you’ve probably built your MVP. This is your chance to present it to investors and allow them to be the user. Investors would rather get that first-hand experience to understand your product or service, and then hear you talk about the financials and their role.
4. Present your consumer persona. Chances are, you created your consumer persona back before you even validated your business case or thought about building your MVP. If not, think about doing so now, as you create your pitch. This persona provides your investors with a better understanding of the market need for your product.
5. Lay out your business and revenue model. The question in the forefront of investors’ minds will be just how rich they’ll become by investing in you, and how you plan on earning that money. This is a great time for introducing your exit strategy, as well.
6. Multiply your passion by 150%. Investors won’t care about your product unless you do. Don’t hesitate to show them how excited you are about your Big Idea.
7. Prepare for questions. When creating your pitch, set aside time to brainstorm and anticipate questions that your investors may ask. Remember - questions are a sign of interest. As a bonus, you’ll feel much more confident walking into your meeting knowing that you’ve prepared your answers to the more difficult questions. 

Creating your pitch and preparing for your presentation can be a nerve-wracking process. But by following these tips, your pitch will be one that investors can’t ignore.
Feel like you need to refine your MVP app before investors get their hands on it? Sign up for our No-code Bootcamp - we’ll work with you and give you the confidence you need. 

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