Talent Toute: making recruitment sexy with an innovative no-code platform

Talent Toute: making recruitment sexy with an innovative no-code platform

Simon Jenner

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Talent Toute founders share the details of their no-code web-based app offering, talk about what it was like to work with us, their plans for the future, and more.

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During the coronavirus pandemic Talent Toute co-founders Mandy and Sharon started a journey to build an innovative recruitment platform fit for today’s technological world. 

On a mission to “make recruitment sexy”, Mandy and Sharon’s platform, as they say, is “kind of like a dating app for recruitment”. Employers can match with the right candidates for each role they post, chat to people directly and bring full-time teammates or contractors on board. 

There were some challenges with the platform they’d initially set up, so they reached out to Million Labs for help. We worked with Mandy and Sharon to build a no-code second iteration of the platform with the Bubble app. We now have a great MVP and are working with clients to gather more insights to develop the product further.

Mandy and Sharon have big hopes for Talent Toute’s success. In this blog post, they share the details of their web-based app offering, talk about what it was like to work with us, their plans for the future, and more. 

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Mandy: Through the Bubble web app, a candidate can create their profile within a few minutes. People can include things like their skills and qualifications, industries they want to work in, and their salary expectations. They can write up a “hero statement” that includes things like their successes and achievements. We also verify each candidate once we’ve viewed their right to work documentation and make the verification visible on their profile. 

To find and hire people, employers buy credits from us. They can add the details of roles they’re hiring for on our platform. Our system matches people who meet the right criteria with the employer immediately, or if there’s no one available on the system we’ll find the right people to match them with. Once a match is made, the employer can start a chat with the candidate, view their CV.

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