Don’t start a business, start experiments!

Don’t start a business, start experiments!

Verena Scheffczyk

Thursday, 25 April 2024

How to use the business model canvas to test your ideas and prioritize what to focus on?

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Key Learnings:

1. Prioritize Testing Over Planning:
Instead of getting bogged down in the details of a business plan, focus on what matters: testing your assumptions. 

2. Embrace Imperfection: 
Perfectionism can be the downfall of many startups. Don't wait for your product to be flawless before launching it. Early customer feedback is invaluable for refining your offering.

3. Harness the Power of No-Code:
In today's fast-paced startup landscape, speed is key. Our No-Code Agency helps you with rapid prototyping for a fraction of the cost. 


Did you miss the event or want to deep diver into this exciting topic?

Click here to get access to the presentation slides of the masterclass. 

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