5 Ways No-Code is Becoming the Future of Marketing

5 Ways No-Code is Becoming the Future of Marketing

Simon Jenner

Thursday, 26 November 2020

No-code doesn't end with founders... Here's an inside look at how no-code technology is taking the marketing world by storm.

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There are countless reasons why no-code is changing the startup game for new founders building their MVPs - but its reach doesn’t end here. No-code is also providing a significant amount of opportunities for marketers.We’ve seen no-code begin to creep into marketing automation through programs such as Canva and Buffer, creating visual content and automated social media management respectively, in very little time. So is no-code the future of marketing? As a matter of fact, yes - here are the reasons why.1. No-code tools save marketers a considerable amount of time.Before no-code, marketers were heavily reliant on waiting for developers to sort the code of a program whenever there was a problem that needed fixing. Now, marketers are able to make these fixes themselves and devote their time to building brand awareness and engaging with the customer base. Further, this speed and ease will help marketers to respond to shifts in the competition and overall market. For example, marketers can quickly create social media content within minutes that caters to an unexpected market trend, resulting in higher engagement rates and customer satisfaction.2. The reliance on IT resources is lessened, freeing up financial assets.Instead of relying on the installation and upkeep of expensive traditional marketing software, marketing teams can save a significant amount of money when utilising no-code technology. As a result, marketers no longer need to spend cumbersome hours working with a financial team over the budget of the latest marketing campaign, and can instead reallocate their finances to the creative side, creating a more competitive and memorable campaign that will lead to higher conversion rates.3. Workflows become more streamlined and collaboration can thrive.The Adobe Suite has been a gold standard of content creation for years. However, constant criticism of this suite has been its lack of collaborative features.No-code tools respond to this criticism in that they are cloud-based, and many promote collaboration. Those that don’t have collaborative features yet still allow for access of the same files from different devices, allowing team members to make edits to the same documents when they are not physically together. This accessibility has become incredibly important throughout the pandemic as work-from-home culture has become the new normal.Better yet, instead of using pre-existing workflows that are compatible with the programs a marketing team uses, marketers can use no-code to create workflows that are compatible with the team itself. 4. No-code fosters responsive design, leading to better UX.With traditional development methods, responsive websites and apps take much longer to code and implement, potentially leading to a missed opportunity as the marketing world changes so rapidly.Now, there are a wide array of no-code platforms available to marketers that offer the opportunity to create these responsive websites and apps for their companies and campaigns at rapid speeds. Responsive design means higher user engagement, providing a better user experience (UX). 5. Marketers can work with their own creative license.Gone are the times when marketers have to worry about technical expertise not aligning with their vision. As long as marketers are well aware of the limitations of the no-code platforms they choose to use, they no longer have to work under restrictions of development teams. These marketers now have the opportunity to become their own citizen developers, allowing their creativity to soar. At the end of the day, marketers are creatives who simply want the freedom to work on their creative campaigns in a timely manner to keep up with the ever-changing market. No-code technology opens an incredible number of doors for these individuals. Just as startup founders can utilise no-code tools to build their MVPs, marketers can continue to utilise no-code to save time and money, streamline workflows and collaboration, provide a better UX for their users, and allow their creativity to blossom.If you’re a marketer looking to gather your bearings with a no-code platform, sign up for our No-Code Bubble Bootcamp now.

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